Practice leaflet

Welcome to our Practice. We are a family-friendly practice and aim to provide a range of general medical services together with a selection of special clinics designed to promote better health care for our patients. This leaflet outlines the services we offer.

Please remember that hospital A&E departments are designed to treat accidents and emergencies only.

An emergency is a critical or life threatening situation which may include loss of blood, trauma or loss of consciousness.

Home visits are time consuming so please do not ask for one unless it is absolutely necessary and the patient is too ill to attend the surgery.

Try to make your request before 10am so that our visiting round for the day can be planned effectively


Regular prescriptions: You can order your prescriptions online. Ask the Reception staff for password details. Also please register with a pharmacy on the electronic prescription system (EPS) and the designated Pharmacist will take charge of ordering and possibly delivery of your medications. All prescriptions must be done online, in writing or in person. When requesting please allow at least 48 hours before collection.


Please request for language line if you need a translator.


Interpreting services for deaf patients are available – British Sign Language.


The following are presently available: please ask at the reception for further details or to make an appointment.
Maternity Weight control Cytology/Smear tests
Diabetic/DPP Immunisations Child Health Surveillance
Well Persons Hypertension/TIA/Stroke Prevention Smoking Cessation
Asthma Family Planning Medical/Private Reports
Yellow Fever Travel Clinic Chronic Heart Disease


The premises are fully accessible to wheelchair patients.


Patient notes are always treated with the strictest confidentiality and we comply with the Data Protection Act 1998.


If you have visitors staying and they need medical advice or treatment, we can provide our services to them as temporary residents during their stay. However foreign visitors may not be eligible for N.H.S. treatment and may have to pay. Our receptionist will advise you.

Please inform us of change of address or surname as soon as possible.


Helpful comments and constructive criticisms are welcome and should be made to the Practice Manager in writing.


North Middlesex: 020 8887 2000
St Ann’s: 020 8442 6000
Chase Farm: 020 8366 6600
Whittington : 020 7288 5744


Haringey: N4, N15, N17, N16

Out of Area: Doctors will not do home visits


This practice is committed to providing  the services it provides within the National Health Service. This can be achieved by working together. Help us to help you.

You will be treated as an individual and treated with respect at all times, irrespective of your ethnic origin, religious belief, personal attributes or the nature of your health problems. In return we ask you to treat the staff in the same manner.

Following the discussions you will receive the most appropriate care, given by suitably qualified people. No care or treatment will be given without your informed consent.

You have the full right to request to be seen by your preferred practitioner.

We will give you full information about the services we offer. Every effort will be made to ensure that you receive the information, which directly affects your health and care being offered.

In the interest of your health it is important for you to understand all the information given to you. Please ask questions if you are unsure of anything.

Subject to any limitations in the law, you have the right to see your health records, which will be kept confidential.

We want to improve the level of service we provide and therefore welcome any comments, suggestions or complaints you may have about the care we offer.

People involved in your care will give you their names and ensure that you know how to contact them. Please inform us immediately of any changes in telephone, names/addresses.

Please attend all appointments you are scheduled for. If you are unable to attend your appointment please inform the surgery as soon as possible.

To help us to help you, please tell us details of your past illnesses, medication and hospital admissions and any other relevant details.


We are interested in identifying carers, especially those people who may be caring without help or support.  We know that carers are often “hidden” looking after a family member or helping a friend or neighbour with day to day tasks and may not see themselves as a carer.

Caring for someone is an important and valuable role in the community, which is often a 24-hour job that can be very demanding and isolating for the carer.  Carers should receive appropriate support by way of access to accurate information on a range of topics such as entitlement to benefits and respite care and not least, a listening ear when things get too much.

As a Carer, you are also entitled to have your needs assessed by Adult Care Services.  A Carer’s Assessment is a chance to talk about your needs as a carer and the possible ways help could be given. It also looks at the needs of the person you care for. There is no charge for an assessment.

If you are a carer, please ask at Reception for a

CARERS IDENTIFICATION AND REFERRAL FORM which you can complete to let us know about your caring responsibilities.